Over the years, The Write Away! Young Adult Literature Project has provided a series of opportunities for students of Secondary schools to improve their writing skills. Waterloo Secondary School has always benefited from this project and our students and teachers have made sure that a harmonious relationship has always been maintained with the dedicated individuals who allow us to be a part of it.
However, the last year has proven to be very challenging for everyone, especially our students who are now faced with online classes and not being able to properly socialize with their peers. Despite these setbacks, Waterloo Secondary School was once again given the opportunity to take part and be highlighted by Ms.Anna Lucie – Smith and the Write Away Project.
In December 2020 two students, Jayden Phillip and Cydney Homer attended an online seminar with author Lisa Allen Agostini as part of the Project. Ms. Agostini answered questions from students about her writing experiences and allowed students to understand the need to be dedicated to a long but rewarding writing process. She even chose to answer our students’ questions on managing the inhibitions that surface when one is in the writing process.
The finale of the program took place on Saturday 28th January, 2021 where Jayden and Cydney were invited to be interviewed by Ms. Anna Lucie Smith and her production crew. This highlighted how the writing workshop helped them in excelling at their craft. Our students were also given the opportunity to read excerpts from their short stories. Ms. Lucie-Smith was extremely impressed with our students and that they were able to truly benefit from the program.
She presented Jayden and Cydney with their Certificates of participation and their own copies of the books used in the project. These books were donated by the Scotia Bank Foundation.
This is what our school is all about: Dedication, Motivation and the hard work of OUR students and Staff. Let this instance of excellence be a motivating force for other students to follow and learn that despite the challenging times , we must work together and move forward and strive for excellence .