Subjects Offered:
- English A
- English B (Literature)
- Communication Studies
- Literatures in English
- Spanish
- A. Singh-Ramnarine – Head of Department / Language Arts / English B / Communication Studies
- C. Conyette – Language Arts / English A / Communication Studies
- C. Paynter – Language Arts / English A
- A. Luke-James – Language Arts / English A / English B
- G. Ramdial-Gowrie – Language Arts / English A / English B
- D. Young-Lao – Language Arts / English A
- R. Nazir – Language Arts / English A
- H. Singh-Ramasar – Dean of Discipline / Spanish
- C. Mahaboob – Spanish
- V. Katwaroo – Spanish
- A. Persad – Spanish
“Without language, one cannot talk to people and understand them; one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp their history, appreciate their poetry, or savour their songs.”
Nelson Mandela
It is with great honour and pleasure that the English and Spanish teachers of Waterloo Secondary School welcome you and extend our congratulations on your entry to this wonderful school.
This department has been spear headed by Mrs. Usha Cheeranjie for many years. She is currently our new Acting Vice Principal and thus, Mrs. Anjini Singh-Ramnarine is now the Acting Head of the English and Spanish Departments. During her years as Head, Mrs. Cheeranjie has maintained the highest quality of education in English Language, English Literature, Communication Studies and Spanish. She has instilled this high standard on her teachers who are always trying their best to improve. There are seven English teachers and four Spanish teachers.
This department boasts of teachers who are equally trained and competent in providing your child with the guidance required at the Form 1 level. The Language teachers go beyond the call of duty and ensure that English and Spanish are both taught in an interactive, creative and enlightening manner. Our teachers are actively involved in entering Poetry and Essay writing competitions where they encourage their students to be their best. We are constantly reviewing and refreshing our methods of teaching with the aim of providing the best language and literature experience to your child. Some of the activities that have promoted our Language Department included a “Spanish Day” which encompassed Spanish Traditional Dress, food and theatre, and A Book Club which encouraged many students to further their fondness of books and reading and curriculum oriented field trips.
We are proud of our accomplishments at both the CSEC and CAPE levels and we assure you that your child is in the best hands. We take this opportunity once more to welcome you and we at Waterloo Secondary look forward to a wonderful, learning experience where healthy relationships can be fostered in the education of your child.